How to Get the Most Out of a Boat Show

One of our favorite calendar events is undoubtedly the boat shows that we have the privilege of attending. Most of all, it’s because we get to meet all of you, show you around our boats and talk to you about boats. What could be better?
Today, we’re giving you some of our top tips to help ensure that you get the most out of your next visit to a boat show, whether it’s to see us or anyone/anything else [Either way, be sure to come over and say hi! We love meeting our customers and fans!]
See it all by planning ahead
Our number one tip for anyone eager to attend a boat show, especially the larger shows, is to plan ahead.
To get the most out of your show, before you even leave home, take some time to visit the show’s website, identify which boats will be there, and then plan your visits to each of those stands. For very large shows, it can even be worthwhile to narrow down which specific boats you’d like to look at, at each booth.
While you’re busy with this research, we recommend taking it a step further and investigating those particular boats, online. Using that information, develop a list of questions relating to the things you’re most interested in about each model.
Do ask about the fun stuff, but also don’t forget to ask about things like warranty cover, servicing options, and whether any training is offered to buyers by either the dealer or the manufacturer.
One of our favorite aspects of any boat show that we attend is that it’s a rare opportunity for us to show off what is often the whole Pursuit Boats series in one place. What’s more, is that key people from the Pursuit factory - like our President, engineering, customer service and sales & marketing, are usually on hand to chat with you and answer any questions you might have.
So if you’re interested in viewing one or more of our models or simply wish to get more information directly from the factory, make an appointment ahead of the show by contacting your nearest authorized Pursuit Boats dealer. We’d love to meet you.
Dress sensibly & comfortably
Don’t overlook this one - it’s super important!
The golden rule, especially if you’ll be in Miami, is to be sure to apply lots of sunscreen and ideally, consider also wearing a hat and sunglasses to avoid coming home with an awful, painful sunburn and sore eyes.
If your hats are looking a bit tired and you happen to also want to score some extra points around your fellow boaters, consider picking up one of our Pursuit Boats hats over at our Pursuit Signature collection store. We’ve got a variety of styles to suit everyone, so you’re sure to find one that you love.
Next, think carefully about what shoes you’re going to wear. You’ll be walking a long distance, so pick a shoe that you’ll be comfortable doing a lot of walking in. Most dealers also want you to remove your shoes before boarding their boats, so consider wearing shoes that can slip on and off easily or at least quickly. Some people are okay with laces, while others might get irritated having to repeatedly lace up shoes again.
For the ladies, please leave the heels at home. Much of your walking is likely to be on docks, with gaps between the planks, as well as up and down ramps, so flat shoes or wedges are a better choice.
For clothing, wear something loose and comfortable, to keep you comfy for a long day of activity.
Come prepared
Be sure to bring your own refreshments so that you can stay hydrated, particularly for outdoor shows in the Miami and Ft. Lauderdale areas. A bottle of water that you can refill is a good start. Refreshment stands might not always be available and when they are, they’re often very expensive.
You may want to bring along your own comfortable bag/backpack/tote to carry your belongings and any other marketing material or promotional items you receive. Those plastic carry bags that are usually given out can become uncomfortable to carry pretty quickly.
Just be aware that your bag may be searched by security upon arrival - that’s pretty normal these days.
If you’re bringing your own bag, consider packing in a notebook or anything else that will allow you to write down important info about the boats you’re interested in, or anything else that you want to record for later. A smartphone with a decent camera can be a huge help to help you capture information about boats you were interested in.
And finally, be sure to bring the old credit card along. Dealers often run really good discounts that are exclusive to the show. If your credit card is on hand, you’ll be able to take advantage of them, especially if there’s any equipment or other items you need to pick up for your boat.
Boat shows are still one of the best opportunities to see our whole lineup in person, and if you follow our tips, you can look forward to an extra productive, safe and comfortable show.
We encourage you to keep an eye out for a boat show with a Pursuit display; please do stop by to meet us, we’d love to talk with you.